
The Device.WebLogin language extension initiates a SSO session for Android clients in Thin Client mode, running RFgen (or higher), and initiates a SSO session for iOS and Windows Desktop in Thin Client mode, running RFgen

Batch mode is not yet supported.

As the name implies, the login session is initiated via a web session from the client to the target URL of the third-party SSO solution provider.

The web client will await a URL redirect to the provider Redirect URL. When the Redirect URL is reached, the web client will immediately close the entire URL and URL parameters will be returned in the ReturnParams parameter. If the web client does not reach the Redirect URL, the web client will close.

Group:   Device Extensions

Syntax: Device.WebLogin(ReturnParams as String, RedirectURL as String, Timeout as Interger) As Boolean

Return - (Boolean) The return value of the base extension is True on no error, False on error. If returning True for success, the web client reached the Redirect URL and closed.

ReturnParams - (String) If successful, this value will hold the Redirect URL and any additional URL parameters returned from the web service.

URL -   (String) Login URL of the Single Sign On (SSO) service provider/server.

RedirectURL - (String) The SSO provider's base URL address on SSO Login redirects. The web client will await a web service redirect to this URL to trigger storing URL parameters and existing the client.

Timeout  (Miliseconds) - The default timeout value is 90,000 milliseconds while waiting to reach the Redirect URL.


Dim bSuccess as Boolean

Dim sReturnParameters As String

bSuccess = Device.WebLogin(sReturnParameters, "https://ssoprovider.login/","http://localhost:12345/",90000)


Versions Supported:     RFgen and newer.

Devices Supported:      Android.; iOS and Windows Desktop/Ce